This category of service arises when one party to a dispute retains someone, such as KellyADR, to act for them during the course of a dispute. Within this category there are two principle types of service: as a party representative and by preparing expert evidence both of which are explained in more detail by selecting the appropriate underlined link. The Party representative can arise within any of the six types of dispute resolution processes mentioned above arbitration, adjudication, conciliation, mediation, med-arb and expert determination.
The second type of party retained service, preparation of expert evidence, also arises within any of the six types of dispute resolution processes mentioned above, but can also arise in support of litigation in the District, Circuit or High Courts. Within the category of party retained service the principal expertise and core business of KellyADR is preparing architectural expert evidence. In certain limited circumstances KellyADR can provide both party representative and expert evidence in the same dispute. While expert evidence in architectural matters can overlap engineering and surveying matters, if the engineering and or surveying elements become central to the dispute, KellyADR can arrange for concurrent professional engineering and or surveying expert evidence, or can work with party retained engineering and or surveying experts to assemble a complete set of reports.